Sedation Dentistry: Relaxing On the Dentist’s Chair

Sedation Dentistry: Relaxing On the Dentist’s Chair

Dec 01, 2019

Do you freak out at the thought of visiting your doctor? The truth is, you are not alone. Most people hold themselves back from visiting a dentist in Culver City because of the fear of the unknown. Something about medical intervention screams surgery, blood, and pain. While phobias are real. There is never anything to be worried about. Dentists are well-trained medical professionals that are more than capable of properly handling their patients.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Lucky for patients who worry over sitting still at the dentist’s chair, sedation dentistry exists. It involves using medication to sedate patients during dental procedures. This helps keep them calm through the processes. In some instances, sedation dentistry has been termed sleep dentistry because it can put a patient to sleep during the process. However, not all sedation works by making people sleep during treatments.

When Is Sedation Dentistry Necessary?

Anyone can consider sedation dentistry in Culver City, CA. The sedation services qualify for patients who get nervous during treatment. It does not necessarily apply to major oral surgeries. Sedation can be used even for simple tooth treatment like professional teeth cleaning. All dental work requires stillness, given the sensitivity of the work to be done. In most cases, the dentist decides whether or not you need sedation. However, you can choose to sign up for sedation dentistry near you if you know you have anxiety issues related to medical treatments.

What Are The Different Levels of Sedation?

The levels of sedation used on patients differ. Some of the factors that can affect the levels required include the anxiety levels of the patient, as well as the type of dental procedure performed. The different levels are:

  • Minimal sedation – this level of sedation is only meant to keep you relaxed. However, you are awake throughout the procedure and aware of things in your surroundings.
  • Moderate or conscious sedation is a higher level of sedation than minimal sedation. Although you are awake through the procedures, the events are blurry. You are conscious, but you experience slurring words and blurry remembrance of what happened.
  • Deep sedation – the consciousness level of deep sedation is not at 100%. Patients are usually at the edge of consciousness, even though they may still be awake.
  • Deep sedation – total sedation puts you in a deep sleep throughout the procedure.

The Different Types of Sedation Used

Given the different levels of sedation, sedatives used are different. The following sedatives are commonly used in sedative dentistry:

  • Inhaled minimal sedation – this type of sedation uses nitrous oxide gas, otherwise called the laughing gas. This gas is channeled through a mask that is worn over the nose. The dentist allows a controlled amount of nitrous oxide for the patient to inhale, along with oxygen. When the procedure is complete, the levels of nitrous oxide are lowered, and those of oxygen increase. This sedation wears off quickly. You may even be cleared to drive yourself home after the procedure. The gas is for relaxation, but you will be awake throughout the procedure.
  • Oral sedation – is the most common form of sedation. It can either be minimal or moderate in levels. A dentist will give you a Halcion pill an hour before your procedure. The sedative drug will relax you and keep you conscious throughout the treatment. Some people can fall asleep with moderate levels of this oral sedation, but most remain awake.
  • IV moderate sedation – IV sedation dentistry is used for necessary dental procedures, for example, an endodontic procedure. It involves injecting a sedative drug through the veins to dispose of it in the blood system. This sedation works quickly because of that reason. The levels of this sedation can be controlled so that you are conscious of the process. However, most patients are asleep, although not in a deep sleep.
  • General anesthesia is the deep type of sedation where patients are put to a very deep sleep throughout the treatment. It is mostly used for surgical procedures that might take longer and require meticulous keenness when operating. Technically, you cannot be easily awoken until the anesthesia wears off. Once the treatment is over, the dentist might use medication to reverse the effects.
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